To all new student for Business Communication class,
I would like to give you some reccomendations to not only pass this course, but also be successfull in impoving your english skills.
First, attendence and participation. You should not miss any class if it is not emergency as there will be a good practice or interesting activity in every class that you should participate.
Second, regularly post your blog. Blog is another tool used to practice your english skills. You will be assigned to post three blogs a week and it should not be all in the same day. The regularly blog posted would reflect your determination and contribution you put to your assignment. At first, it might be difficult for you, but if you frequently do it like a routine, you will be better and feel more comfortable to do this.
Third,be honest. Honest is very nevessary thing for doing everthing. In this course, professor will trust and believe in what you say or what you do. So you should be honest for everything you do and do not make your professor disappointed with you.
Moreover, you should all your skills, listening,reading, speaking and writing, frequently. If you don't your skills will get worse and worse finally. Fins some foreigners who are native speakers to hang out with. This is another good way to practice you skills. Keep do it and you will succeed in the future.
That's all I think it is important to pass this class as well as be successful in using english language. Wish you all good luck.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My AD501
Hey everyone,
Thanks Bruce for your contribution, advices and motivation. I will try to keep improving and practicing my english skills. I will try to practice my skills with native speakers not with my THAI friends. :)
It's bo. I just want to say thank you everyone in this class especially BRUCE. First, I didn't know why I have to take an english class again while I'm studying my master degree. After I have taken this class, I just realized that my english skills not good enough for studying in the country that use english as a native language. Now, I think that this class is very beneficial to me.

Thanks all my friends. I hope you also have a good time in this class. Don't forget to keep in touch with me from time to time. It's my pleasure to know you all. Here is my contact.
Have a good time in Boston :D
Take care
โอ้เจ้าหนี้ Oh!Creditor
ไม่ได้หนี ไม่ได้หาย
didn’t run, didn’t hide
ไม่ได้ย้าย แต่มันไม่มี
didn’t move, but I don’t have it
ไม่มี ไม่หนี ไม่จ่าย
I don’t have it, I didn’t run, I didn’t pay
ก็แค่เงิน สองสามพัน
It’s only two or three thousand (baht)
โถนิดเดียว ทำเป็นเรื่องใหญ่
That’s just a little thing, but you make it like a big problem.
บอกแล้ว ถ้าฉันมี
I told you already if I had it
I’d pay you back everything immediately, with interest.
ไม่ต้องมาทวง บอกไปเลย
You don’t have to come dunning or asking for it
ตอนนี้ ไม่มี
Right now, I don’t have it.
Oh, creditor, no need to come collecting
Right now’s a terrible time
Asking every day, but I don’t have it.
Oh, creditor, I haven’t borrowed it for that long
อีกสักปี ผ่อนผันกันไปก่อน
Give me another year’s extension.
อย่านะ อย่าทวง
Please don’t dun or ask!
ขอร้อง เดี๋ยวยืมต่อนะ
I’m begging you, give me a little longer
Don’t get mad!
Give me a little more time.
I promise I will pay you back
Here is the link to its MV:
Don't forget to check it out!
didn’t run, didn’t hide
ไม่ได้ย้าย แต่มันไม่มี
didn’t move, but I don’t have it
ไม่มี ไม่หนี ไม่จ่าย
I don’t have it, I didn’t run, I didn’t pay
ก็แค่เงิน สองสามพัน
It’s only two or three thousand (baht)
โถนิดเดียว ทำเป็นเรื่องใหญ่
That’s just a little thing, but you make it like a big problem.
บอกแล้ว ถ้าฉันมี
I told you already if I had it
I’d pay you back everything immediately, with interest.
ไม่ต้องมาทวง บอกไปเลย
You don’t have to come dunning or asking for it
ตอนนี้ ไม่มี
Right now, I don’t have it.
Oh, creditor, no need to come collecting
Right now’s a terrible time
Asking every day, but I don’t have it.
Oh, creditor, I haven’t borrowed it for that long
อีกสักปี ผ่อนผันกันไปก่อน
Give me another year’s extension.
อย่านะ อย่าทวง
Please don’t dun or ask!
ขอร้อง เดี๋ยวยืมต่อนะ
I’m begging you, give me a little longer
Don’t get mad!
Give me a little more time.
I promise I will pay you back
Here is the link to its MV:
Don't forget to check it out!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Obama's Afghanistan Plan

The war in Afghanistan has been lasting for more than 8 years. It started by the group of terrorists; Al Qaeda and Taliban. U.S. was also attracted by these terrorists on 9/11. Many people died and injured. After that people not only who are in U.S but also all countries started to worry about their security in life. So Obama would like to end this story as soon as possible in order to bring back all confidence. For this Afghanistan plan, U.S. aims to clean up all terrorists, especially Al Qaeda and Taliban leader, as well as rapidly build up a competent Afghan force.
Is this feasible? Is there any conflict occur?
In my opinion, there would be a conflict with the public and Democratic party sooner or later. This is because American people might not be satisfied with a high cost occurring from new military commitment during the economic hard time in the country. They might think that this expensive cost should be contributed to other project or development. Congressional Democrats have warned that the projected price tag of a new troop deployment could threaten Obama’s domestic agenda amid growing public unease over the widening federal budget deficit (Wilson, 2009).

Moreover, some democrats who oppose sending additional troops to Afghanistan have raised the possibility of new taxes to pay for the war. It could lead to a trouble approving a proposal for additional troops because of the costs and concern over its long-term national security implication (Wilson, 2009).
There are many issues to be reconsidered. For myself, I think it is impossible to clear everything within 18 months; it is too short to deal with this thing. This would raise some questions; do all the troops will still be brought back to the country if we can’t arrest the Al Qaeda and Taliban leader within 18 months? What is Obama’s back-up plan if everything is not going to be as what he expects? The president might have to reconsider this plan carefully again.
However, in the good side, he has showed the intention to bring a peace back to his people as well as to all nations. Since the security in life is one of the deepest need for all mankind, I think some confidence already occurred and this plan may be a good signal for ending the long story war in Afghanistan no matter what it is going to accomplish or not.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Should foreign students be welcomed to work in U.S.?

At the White House jobs summit on Friday, President Barack Obama warned against closing the door on foreign students, calling them one of the country's "greatest competitive advantages." There are both people who support and against this idea.
Obama did address the need to admit foreign students to a summit participant. He thinks that it is a good idea to allow more foreign students to work in the country. He believes that the country gets many talents to study here and it would be good if those talent students continue to start doing their business here also since it might lead to many creations of Intel or unexpected businesses.
There is a dramatic decrease in number of unemployment in the United States. Moreover, the demand for H-1B visa has been growing again recently. This may be a indicator of an increase in interest of offshore outsourcing by U.S. companies.
The H1B Visa (Professional in a Specialty Occupation) allows a U.S. employer to fill a position requiring the minimum of a baccalaureate in the particular field with a qualified worker from abroad. The foreign worker must possess that U.S. degree or an acceptable foreign alternative. In some cases, a combination of studies and relevant experience may substitute for the degree if it is determined by a certificate expert to qualify the foreign professional.
I think that many foreign students who come to study here will look for an opportunity to work also. I am the one among those people since I think it is a good opportunity to work in many different environments. So working here, I would gain many experiences that would be totally different from any experience I could find in my own country.
It is right that offshore outsourcing would affect an employment of local people and there might lead to some conflicts. However, every business has to meet their profit maximization, and then cutting cost by offshore outsourcing will be a good solution. Many businesses start offshore outsourcing both their production and service providing nowadays in order to gain any competitive advantage.
From my point of view, I would support Obama’s opinion to welcome those foreign students to work in the country. This is not only allows many businesses to cut their cost by offshore outsourcing to those foreign students but also make an employment in the country more competitive. The increase in competition in finding a job will make all people keep improving themselves and this will lead to a development of entire society.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Traditionally, it is a time to give thanks to God for the harvest and express gratitute to others for our many blessings. While historically religious in origin, Thanksgiving is now primarily identified as a secular holiday.
The date and location of the first Thanksgiving celebration is a topic of modest contention. The traditional "first Thanksgiving" is the celebration that occurred at the site of Plymouth Plantation, in 1621. The Plymouth celebration occurred early in the history of what would become one of the original thirteen colonies that became the United States. However, there was another, more modest Thanksgiving in Virginia on the banks of the James River in 1619. The celebration became an important part of the American myths by the 1800s. This Thanksgiving, modeled after celebrations that were commonplace in contemporary Europe, is generally regarded as America's first. Today, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the US and on the second Monday of October in Canada. Thanksgiving dinner is held on this day, usually as a gathering of family members and friends.
Thanksgiving this year I have a chance to go to New York. On Thanksgiving Day, most of shops and restaurant was closed. If they were opened, they would be closed earlier than normal day. This is because all American will go back and celebrate Thanksgiving dinner at their home with the whole family. They normally cooked turkey and eat with mashed potatoes etc. This might be the day that gathers all family members, in such an individualistic city, back together again.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I’m one of those who have a part-time job while studying. Because living expense in Boston is quite high and I want to have more experiences outside my classroom, I start to think about finding a part-time job while I’m studying my master in Boston. Now I’m working at Computer lab as a lab general assistant. First, I think that working at computer lab required many computer-related skills and I think I cannot do this job for sure. Fortunately, after an interview, I just realized that my job is just to monitor an overall of computer lab and give others a hand when they need help about printing or access to any program.
For my part, I don’t think that working part-time job would not affect your study. It is your responsibility to manage your time for doing both things if you would like to. In spite of, I think there are many advantages you can get from working while studying.
First, you can earn more money to compensate for expenses. Without a job, you have only expenses but no any income. And when you work by yourself, you will know the value of money you spent and this will help you spend money more carefully.
What’s more is working would help students learns more about responsibility. When people work, they have to take more responsibility than study. You might have to wake up since early morning to work or might have to go home late to finish your work too. If you aren’t responsible, it does not only affect your work but also others. That’s why working could help student learn more about responsibility.
Moreover, working allows you to gain others experiences besides a knowledge you gain from studying. When you are working, you might face other problems that you never face in you classroom. You have to solve the problem and learn more from the experiences you get. In addition, working will expand your network since you might meet and know more people who might not be your classmate.
Last but not least, working would make you understand and know how to use your knowledge and any skill you learn in the real life. Only theory is not enough, everything need a practical part in order to see how we can adapt or apply what we know to suit with a real life situation.
I think what I stated above would be enough to answer the question “Is it a good idea to work while you are studying”. And if I have a chance, I would persuade you to find a part-time job like me.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Technology/People's efficiency/leisure time??

Admittedly, many people are more comfortable in today than in the past because of many innovations such as vehicle, computer and internet, to name but a few. Although these things reduce a lot of time that people have to spend in traveling, some people still have no spare time. This is because they lack in a good administration.
Moreover, not everybody has more free time owing to technological improvement. Nowadays, we are in the competitive world. To achieve their goals, some people take their leisure time to do other things or take another academic course to improve their qualities so that they are outstanding from others.
However, a lot of people benefit from the technological advancement. For instance, many urban citizens work so hard in order to reach their dreams, especially American Dream. That is having a nice car and a luxurious house. They, therefore, feel so pleasurable when they attain their goals. Also, they are pleasant with more leisure time that they have from the technological development.
In conclusion, many people get an advantage from the technological improvement, but not everyone. Some still keep themselves busy because they want to improve their quality all the time so that they can win over other opponents. Therefore, I do not agree that the technological advancement is not a primary goal to increase people’s efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Lifetime employment

The economy recession still exists and many countries have been affected. There is an increase in unemployment rate in many countries all over the world since the downside of economy situation has caused numerous businesses have to shut down themselves and laid off lots of their employees. Many employees would love this practice at this time but it makes me still wonder whether the life-time employment is a good practice for an organization.
The lifetime employment is the practice that workers become employed right after their graduation from school with a particular company. The employers will not lay off his workers if possible even in a course of depression. The employees in turn will not quit his job at this company but tend to continue working at his company until he reaches his retirement age (Koshiro, 1997).
From my point of view, lifetime employment has some advantage sides. Lifetime employment grants a job security for employees. The job security is one of the most important things for employees’ motivation. When they feel secured about their job, they could be motivated to work efficiently. Moreover, lifetime employment could help creating loyalty to their organization among employees. They will commit and contribute to both their own and their organization’s benefits. In addition, there is an opportunity to grow in your career when you have committed to and have worked for one organization for a long-term. Japan is a good example for this practice and this quite work with their culture.
All plus has a minus; most people will argue that lifetime employees or job security can lead to decrease in productivity among employees. This is because when people know that they will never be fired from their job, they might perform less efficiently since no matter how they work, they still are employed so they might not work at their maximum level of efficiency. For instance, in Thailand, most of government officers are quite a lifetime-employee. For some organizations, their officers didn’t much effort to complete their work and sometimes there is too less work to do, so they had a lot of free time.
Another negative side is the organization might not get new ideas or opinions from the new generation employees. When an organization adopts lifetime employment, the turnover of their employee would be low. This means there’s quite few numbers of new or replaced employees leading to uncompetitive workplace. New young blood employees could bring the different or new ideas to the company.
For employees themselves, they could not move to another company which might be better. This makes them lose an opportunity to gain more knowledge and experiences.
For my opinion, I don’t think a lifetime employment is good for today competitive business world. Due to many disadvantaged stated above but it still consider other factors in order to choose the most suitable practice or strategy for an organization.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
H1N1 Swine Flu

Listening assignment this week is a little bit different from what we have done before. There is another channel, Radio Boston, for practicing our listening skill. The topic that caught my attention is about a H1N1 swine flu. Some public health officials believe occurrence of the swine flu, or H1N1 flu, might be stop spreading already. But there still be more people are getting and there is a shortage of swine flu vaccine.
Swine flu has spread all over the world, regardless geography. People seem to be quite panic about this flu due to it is different from other flues they have known before. One significant different between seasonal pandemic and swine flu is the high risk group. High risk group for seasonal pandemic flu are older people aged 65 or more, but in contrast, the high risk group for swine flu is the children aged below 10. Even though there is a low death rate for people who caught swine flu, many parents are panic and worried about their children when they notice that their children are sick or have any symptom related to the swine flu.
In spring, Boston is the city that has a highest hit with the swine flu. This makes many people concern more and pay heavily attention it. There are a lot of people go to clinic or health center to get a shot for swine flu prevention, but there is not enough vaccine to be provided to everyone. Any clinic and medical center would like to provide vaccine for everyone not only young children but also older people. However, there is a shortage of vaccine and we have to wait until the end of this month.
Massachusetts is like other cities; we have to wait for the federal government to announce and distribute next lot of swine flu vaccine. Now there is an excess demand for getting a shot of swine flu vaccine. Unfortunately, there might be some delays for the distribution but in the next few weeks; we will have a lot more shots available. At this time, what we can do is to provide a shot to those patients who in high risk group, pregnant, infant and people who in underline health condition first. This is quite a large group of people. And for other groups of people, they will be provided the vaccine soon, not later than the beginning of next month.
Many people might be confused that why some people are still getting sick yet he already got a shot. This because vaccine just gives you an extra protection from the flu but it could not be 100% prevention. You might not get worst but you could still get some minor sick then.
What we can prepare for the spread out of swine flu are just basic things. First, wash your hand frequently and don’t forget to hand sanitizer. Second, stay home when you are sick in order to stop spreading out the flu to others. Third, stay in touch with your doctor if there is any person closed to you getting sick. And last thing; make your health always in a good condition. All of these things are a good preparation for the swine flu.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Live longer...

For many people, their deepest desires might be to live longer since the life is happiness enjoyment and adventure. So they made an effort to make a span of their life longer. Nowadays, there are greater and greater number of people whose age is eighty years old or more. In fact, the life expectancy of the average human has gone up significantly, and is rising still. There are many factors that make people live longer.
The development of medical treatment is one of those factors. Diseases such as cancer, which used to result almost unavoidably in death, are now curable, provided they are diagnosed at a certain stage. New medicines had been developed to both prevent and cure people from many diseases. This will decrease the rate of mortality. What is more, in the past, the facilities were limited to exclusive fews. Only a fraction of people were able to afford the expenses on doctors and medicines Nowadays people are provided with basic health facilities and doctors by their government. Good medical helps are more accessible to more people now.
Besides the development of medical treatment, people have better quality of life in general. There is an access of information anywhere. People can search information about many diseases and how to prevent it. Moreover, the trend of health-conscious is rising dramatically. This means people care more about their health. They try to choose whatever is good for their health, including food they eat. Organic food and vitamin supplements are more popular at the present. Vitamin supplement could help fulfill the requirement for each people’s need.
Moreover, people also concern more about their physical health, so they have been doing more exercise. There are an increase in number of gym and fitness throughout the cities as well as up-country area. This can reflect the greater numbers of people do an exercise.
In addition, an enough sleep of 6 to 8 hours a day is one of a requirement for having a good health. Sleeping is the best way to relax both your physical and mental health. When you sleep, all functions in your body can take a rest as well as fix any organ or functions.
All of stated above are the factors leading to longer life. Most of them are just a basic thing that you can do it by yourself. So the length of your life is depending on you then.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Teacher-centered VS Student-centered

Instructors develop a teaching style based on their beliefs about personal preferences, their abilities, and the norms of their particular discipline. Some believe classes should be learner-centered, which the curriculum base on various type of student learning. Others take a teacher-centered, where the teacher is expert and authority in presenting information. I will compare the differences between two types of teaching style in three issues, which are the goal, teaching style and classroom environment.
On the one hand, learner-centered normally has constructivist teacher as leader to motivate the learners. Obviously, the goals of a constructivist teacher are not to cover the curriculum, but instead to engage students as active learners constructing their own knowledge within a content domain. Constructivist teachers start with very broad learning objectives and may even negotiate with the class to identify more specific learning goals, which makes students more interesting.
In addition, learner-centered teaching style focus on the needs and abilities of students and on topics that are relevant to the students’ lives needs, and interests; therefore, in this type of classroom, students are actively engaged in creating, understanding, and connecting to knowledge. The teacher shares control of the classroom and students are allowed to explore, experiment on their own.
In a student-centered environment, students are given choices and are included in the decision-making processes of the classroom. The focus in these classrooms is on options, rather than uniformity. Essentially, learners are treated as co-creators in the learning process, as individuals with ideas and issues that deserve attention and consideration.
On the other hand, in teacher-centered approach; there are some disparate teaching styles compare with one another. Trying to provide knowledge to the students by following fixed programmed is the goal of lecturer in this teaching style; the lecturers normally base their teaching in a single curriculum, which are completely designed by the teachers. Because the students in teacher-centered have fewer chance to discover tangible knowledge on their own, the lecturers in teacher-centered approach need expert. Expert teacher have case knowledge to show and make the students improve their understanding.
Teacher-centered teaching style is less focus on students than student-centered. Although teacher-centered environment still focus on making relationships with students that are help selecting teaching materials, they focus more on content than on student processing. Giving knowledge to reach the specific aim every times they teach is more essentials than pay attention to individual student. If the overall students’ understanding is more than 70%, the teachers feel successfully.
Furthermore, classroom environment in teacher-centered style is stricter than one another. The students have less chance to disclose their opinion than student-centered. Thinking is basically the responsibility of the teacher; students memorize and recite information given by the teacher. The teachers treat the students by the way they decide what they want their student to understand.
In conclusion, instructors should choose the style that can match and most appropriate with learners, so they can learn effectively.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Chiofaro harbor garage

This seems to be a mega project that everyone pays attention to. In construction of this project is promising $28 million in new taxes and 3,500 permanent jobs for the city. This will circulate an economy and generates lot of employments. When this project will be completed, it might be another attraction for the city that could bring many tourists to Boston. It sounds good for economic point of view; however, to pass the proposal, it is needed many processes of consideration and regulations. There are many people against this project for many reasons.
The major and critical issue is about the height of this pair of buildings. The proposal does not comply with either city or state regulations since the project exceeds its height guidelines for the waterfront by at least 145 feet. At this height, residents around that area argue that it would be too tall and overshadow the Greenway and surrounding building. Moreover, this project will cause an impact on air traffic as the Federal Aviation Administration has argued that the height could interfere with airplane maneuvers during emergencies. The site of this project located about two miles from Logan, and now the site of the Boston Harbor garage, is under the path of airplanes. This is the critical issue that should be carefully considered because it relates to the security of transportation.
In addition, the modern design of new building could be contrast with its surrounding building which most of them still maintain the old style of historical spirits. Many residents and neighbors around that are might want to keep this feeling and the scenery of original building which is a part of Boston’s uniqueness.
Therefore, before demolishing or constructing new building or architecture, project’s owner has to make sure that his project is compatible with its surrounding area and comply with both city and state regulations and laws.
Thursday, November 5, 2009

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This is the First Amendment to the United States Constitutions.
I believe in freedom of speech. To me, we live together in one place in which is called world. I believe without freedom the world wouldn’t be like the world we live in today. I believe that freedom is the deepest need of every human soul. In my opinion, I strongly believe that freedom of speech could help solve many problems. Speech by Dr.Martin Luther King had ever helped solving the problem with racism. I know we all remember that powerful speech “I have a dream”. It is the popular name given to the public speech he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination.
Compared to my country, there are some laws which limit a freedom of speech. Thailand is quite a conservative country and pay extremely respect to our monarchy, so in our constitution, there is a law called Thai lese majeste law. It stated that “The King shall be enthroned in a position of revered worship and shall not be violated. No person shall expose the King to any sort of accusation or action”. Due to the different in culture and lack of understanding of Thai law, an Australian writer was sentenced to three years in prison since he wrote a novel of his deemed to defame the Thai monarchy.
Besides a law, freedom of speech is sometimes limited by the norm and culture of the society. In conservative society, it is considered improper to say frankly what you think. Some organizations do not allow their employee to express their opinion that much. Everything should follow the consideration of their superior. This kind of limitation will obstruct the development of an organization. In my opinion, the more freedom of speech we have, the more developed organization is. This is because when an organization allows its employee to express their opinion, it will generate many new ideas which could be practical to an organization.
Even though I believe in a freedom of speech, I think that we should emphasize on an importance of the word meaning we used. Some words should be left unsaid as it could offend others and it can lead you into some troubles.
Every people have their own opinion and beliefs. For me, I believe that one day I can use my words to make a speech that can change the world.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Should we legalize gambling in Thailand?

Should gambling be legalized? Legalized gambling is a controversial issue. Many countries have legalized gambling such as the United States but in my hometown, Thailand, it still infringes the law. However legalized gambling can bring many advantages to a country and it can be easy to control. It has been claimed, “The government is trying to legalize gambling for economic reasons. It expects to get more tax and money from foreign tourists, and also from Thais who go to gamble in neighboring countries” (Sangsit, 2004). On the other hand, gambling can destroy the old culture of a conservative point of view because it may be an easy way to increase the number of criminals in Thailand. This essay will describe the main similarities and differences between gambling in the US and in Thailand.
People begin gambling for a variety of reasons including fun, relaxation, excitement, and the hope of being a millionaire. After a whole week of working hard, people turns to other things for relaxing so gambling is an alternative. According to Phongpaichit (1999) “an estimated 70 percent of adults gamble regularly and spend money possible, over 200 billion a year”. Players can be a part of the game and gambling makes people feel excited. Moreover, most gamblers believe gambling is an easy way to be a millionaire compared with working hard at a job.
To begin with, similar types of placing bet in Thailand and the US is the national lottery which is legal. In the US, the government provides the national lottery and an online website for gamblers. Everyone can join the lotto except children who are younger than 16 years old. The prize of the lotto will depend on how many tickets are sold and how many people match the same quantity of numbers and then the jackpot will be split between the winners. For example the estimated jackpot online lottery reported is 4,500,000 dollars that was divided into many equal amounts for each winner. Compared with Thailand, The government lottery office (2008) said, “The maximum prize already set at 92,000,000 baht”*. The lotto has drawn twice a month on the 15th and the 30th of every month.
On the other hand, Thailand and the US still have some differences in this issue. Casinos were legalized in the US; in contrast, gambling problems have been found in Thailand including underground lotteries, football gambling, cock fighting and casino because all of them are illegal.
For the future trend, if Thai government will push to legalize gambling, the government can save the time needed to quell the illegal gambling that has spread in all areas in Thailand. However, if this business is easy to launch, then they may face many problems of it such as mafia gangs, increased compulsive gambling and lower household savings. Both Thailand and the United states have to manage and look carefully with very stringent laws.
Thursday, October 29, 2009

There might be many advantages from doing business with sibling, relatives or friends, but there might be some drawbacks either. A Lewis brother is the good example for this case.
Both of them are successful businessmen who run travelling business. Alan Lewis is a chief executive of Grand Circle Travel and his younger brother, Hank Lewis, owns Vantage Travel in Boston. They run same kind of business targeting at older travelers. Their business and relationship between them are seems to be good before some conflicts between them occurred. Alan borrowed money from his brother, hank, for $ 10 million to liquidate their business. Unfortunately, he was unable to pay his brother back. This is due to an economic recession or whatever reason but it led to a big problem. Each filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit.
As you can see from this case that even people have such a closer relationship such sibling or relatives, their relationship could be destroyed by the money. This kind of story occurs everywhere in the world regardless nationality or culture. There is no brother or sister in the world of business; people are still greedy and want to success in their business. They might overlook the important of relationship in real life. Everyone just focuses on the way to success in their business; they want to make as much as money they can. On money that people care.
From Lewis case, actually $10 million dollar is not a big amount of money for them compared to the value of their business. I don’t know what they are thinking.
This case also happens in Thailand. Family members sue each other for personal’s benefit, especially for money. Some case is many severe, family members killed each other for the heritage. This kind of thing was not supposed to happen. I know that money is one of the main factors we need for surviving but I don’t think people are going to rely on it too much like this. Money could seriously change everything for some people even their mind and personality trait. Some good person can turn to be bad because of money factor. Greedy can encourage you to do anything, especially illegal thing. Selling drugs is such a terrible thing to do, but many people choose to do this because they can make a lot of money and they can make it easily. It might be a good shortcut for being rich for them.
Money is so influent we could hardly imagine. We should weight for everything we do to see which one is more important to our life. Don’t let the money change everything in your life.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Gender and Victim

At a present time, I believe that women have an equal right with men in many terms, especially an opportunity to grow in their career. However, it is pity that there are still a lot of crimes related to sexual abuse. The most important reason why today crime rates related to sexual abuse (i.e., incest, prostitution, child molestation, and rape) are skyrocketing because of beliefs that support gender-related victimization
It is true that woman is weaker than man in way of physical, but I do not know why some people concern about this and take this point to commit a crime. There is news about sexual abuse almost every day in many countries around the world, much more in developing countries. The world has been kept developing but some people might forget to improve the level of morality in their mind. The world that our parents or last generation lived has now changed. It is not such a lovely place and easy to live anymore. I have frequently received the forward mailed about girls being raped and was recorded a video to black mail her later. I feel bad and depressed every time I know about this kind of story.
Most of victims are too awkward to report the police that they have been raped since they don’t want to be in public and it is too difficult to live in a society if other people know about this. This will make those bad guys become conceited and do not be afraid about what they do. Victims in western culture might be confident more to speak out and ask for their justice.
Numerous researches pointed out that many female victims were mostly abused by someone known such as cousins, or stepfather. It is, moreover, important to note that female victims are more likely to have long term effects from sexual abuse including mental, emotional, social, and physical problems. Also, many criminologists claimed that women who were sexually abused when they were young are more likely to commit a crime in the future. A good example for this theory is Aileen Wuornos case. She suffered from sexual abuse when she was young. As a result, when she grew up, she became a serial killer. Aileen Wuornos controversially claimed that the men she killed had raped her or were trying to do so. It is obvious that being a victim for sexual abuse has a big impact on her life.
I don’t know what will be the best solution for this problem but I think that the society should do something to solve this problem. The government should emphasize more on this kind of criminal justice and have a striker penalty of this sentence. Moreover, everyone in the society has to help each other improving the level of morality. This might have to foster our next generation since their childhood.
It is true that woman is weaker than man in way of physical, but I do not know why some people concern about this and take this point to commit a crime. There is news about sexual abuse almost every day in many countries around the world, much more in developing countries. The world has been kept developing but some people might forget to improve the level of morality in their mind. The world that our parents or last generation lived has now changed. It is not such a lovely place and easy to live anymore. I have frequently received the forward mailed about girls being raped and was recorded a video to black mail her later. I feel bad and depressed every time I know about this kind of story.
Most of victims are too awkward to report the police that they have been raped since they don’t want to be in public and it is too difficult to live in a society if other people know about this. This will make those bad guys become conceited and do not be afraid about what they do. Victims in western culture might be confident more to speak out and ask for their justice.
Numerous researches pointed out that many female victims were mostly abused by someone known such as cousins, or stepfather. It is, moreover, important to note that female victims are more likely to have long term effects from sexual abuse including mental, emotional, social, and physical problems. Also, many criminologists claimed that women who were sexually abused when they were young are more likely to commit a crime in the future. A good example for this theory is Aileen Wuornos case. She suffered from sexual abuse when she was young. As a result, when she grew up, she became a serial killer. Aileen Wuornos controversially claimed that the men she killed had raped her or were trying to do so. It is obvious that being a victim for sexual abuse has a big impact on her life.
I don’t know what will be the best solution for this problem but I think that the society should do something to solve this problem. The government should emphasize more on this kind of criminal justice and have a striker penalty of this sentence. Moreover, everyone in the society has to help each other improving the level of morality. This might have to foster our next generation since their childhood.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Television...a powerful media

Istanbul- there was reported that the protest about the conflict between Turkey and Israel. This issue is caused by Turkish’s drama called “Ayrilik- Askta ve Savasta Fillistin” which reflects vicious and aggressive of Israel soldiers.
After the first episode’s drama was released, mostly of Islamic displease as some scene in drama contributed complaint for example a soldier shoot a girl or shooting a Palestinian man while he was holding his baby. They believe that those scenes will lead to negative perspective among audiences. Israel’s protester attempted to stop the drama by sending the letter the foreign minister of Turkey.
However, Ahmet Davutoglu, foreign minister of Turkey clarified that the department didn’t have authorize to concern about broadcast activities. Moreover, he claimed that there is not censorship in the country. On the other hand, TRT television owner suggested that all most of drama always based on the previous issues such as the conflict between American and Vietnamese or Italian against Tunisians. The company just uses those situations to be the pilot of drama series.
The fact that the Israel was against Palestinian in GAZA at the beginning of this year made Islamic have no peaceful so they would like to stop anything that occur the negative image to the country. It is widely known that Turkey has been regarded as one of the most popular destinations, therefore this quarrel effect on its tourism industry by cancelling the vacation trips had been made by a group of worker’s unions as well as its economic also is disrupt.
As you can see that the media is very powerful. Television is one of the media tools that can reach to a large number of audiences. It can influent and dominate people’s thought and behavior. Children and teenager is the major group of people that could be affected. They tend to spend more and more time watching television or serving an internet. The more time they spend on television, the more influent television has on them. Many children try to behave like the characters they watch in television or in the game they play. The media producer should responsible for what they produce; it should not have a negative effect to their audiences. Besides, they should make sure that it won’t lead to any conflict among parties.
In Thailand, there is a media rating control. This is monitoring by authority of Public Relation. They will rate every program that is going to be on air. For instance, sign 13+ means this program is appropriate for the children aged 13 years old or above as it might have some violence shown in this program. I think this rating control is very important and useful since it helps preventing audience from some inappropriate programs. Moreover, this will directly make producer of those TV program to be more careful and responsible for their show.
Television is a good media used for both entertaining and educating, but we have to consume in a appropriate way and in the right amount of time.
After the first episode’s drama was released, mostly of Islamic displease as some scene in drama contributed complaint for example a soldier shoot a girl or shooting a Palestinian man while he was holding his baby. They believe that those scenes will lead to negative perspective among audiences. Israel’s protester attempted to stop the drama by sending the letter the foreign minister of Turkey.
However, Ahmet Davutoglu, foreign minister of Turkey clarified that the department didn’t have authorize to concern about broadcast activities. Moreover, he claimed that there is not censorship in the country. On the other hand, TRT television owner suggested that all most of drama always based on the previous issues such as the conflict between American and Vietnamese or Italian against Tunisians. The company just uses those situations to be the pilot of drama series.
The fact that the Israel was against Palestinian in GAZA at the beginning of this year made Islamic have no peaceful so they would like to stop anything that occur the negative image to the country. It is widely known that Turkey has been regarded as one of the most popular destinations, therefore this quarrel effect on its tourism industry by cancelling the vacation trips had been made by a group of worker’s unions as well as its economic also is disrupt.
As you can see that the media is very powerful. Television is one of the media tools that can reach to a large number of audiences. It can influent and dominate people’s thought and behavior. Children and teenager is the major group of people that could be affected. They tend to spend more and more time watching television or serving an internet. The more time they spend on television, the more influent television has on them. Many children try to behave like the characters they watch in television or in the game they play. The media producer should responsible for what they produce; it should not have a negative effect to their audiences. Besides, they should make sure that it won’t lead to any conflict among parties.
In Thailand, there is a media rating control. This is monitoring by authority of Public Relation. They will rate every program that is going to be on air. For instance, sign 13+ means this program is appropriate for the children aged 13 years old or above as it might have some violence shown in this program. I think this rating control is very important and useful since it helps preventing audience from some inappropriate programs. Moreover, this will directly make producer of those TV program to be more careful and responsible for their show.
Television is a good media used for both entertaining and educating, but we have to consume in a appropriate way and in the right amount of time.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
New era of Chinatown

New businesses, new customers, and cleanup efforts have helped the neighborhood thrive during and economic downturn
In recently years, as everyone has to face the one of the worst economic crisis in decades, many companies have to close down and the increasing rate of unemployed have grown up intensively in every industry around the world. However, consumer products seem to be less sensitive on economic crisis especially in food industry. This is because no matter what the economic situation is, consumer products are considered necessary for surviving.
During the past years, the new face of young professionals trend to invest specially in food industry as a small shop around Chinatown, Beach streets, and Washington streets. Moreover, due to the escalating in the demand from the new customers who live as a neighborhood around those streets, this is the best opportunity to set up their own business to react the demand which increasing day by day such as A Taiwanese bakery, Vietnamese sandwich shop and Malaysian restaurant. Furthermore, according to Friedman said reasonable rent prices are one of the best chance, which bestead directly to the new investors and not easy to deny.
Many shops also offer their own individual characteristic and adapted some food to suitable with European style. According to Lee Wang who launches Taiwanese bakery said that he also blended a Chinese-style and a European-style together to against his rivals and attract the customers for example he explained that he uses the Chinese-style sponge cake for making Black forest in European version.
On the other hands, the booming of small shop neighborhood will provide many advantages to customers. Firstly, the variety of small shops will bring the benefit to customers to choice the best for their life. Additionally, competitive in business will be make the shop’s owners have to keep investing and developing in quality of product to against their competitors. Finally, recovery of economic crisis may become from the small community then amplify into to the country.
This change and improvement of Chinatown not only maintains the recent customers, but also attract more and more new customers. I think new young professionals would expand the target customer of Chinatown to be more young people. They will know what the young customers want. Besides quality food or product, the atmosphere is another factor to be concerned. The clean street and neighborhood would help improve an overall image of Chinatown. In the future, the perception of Chinatown is going to be changed; it is not only the market people go to buy stuff, but also another venue that people meet up and hang out.
In recently years, as everyone has to face the one of the worst economic crisis in decades, many companies have to close down and the increasing rate of unemployed have grown up intensively in every industry around the world. However, consumer products seem to be less sensitive on economic crisis especially in food industry. This is because no matter what the economic situation is, consumer products are considered necessary for surviving.
During the past years, the new face of young professionals trend to invest specially in food industry as a small shop around Chinatown, Beach streets, and Washington streets. Moreover, due to the escalating in the demand from the new customers who live as a neighborhood around those streets, this is the best opportunity to set up their own business to react the demand which increasing day by day such as A Taiwanese bakery, Vietnamese sandwich shop and Malaysian restaurant. Furthermore, according to Friedman said reasonable rent prices are one of the best chance, which bestead directly to the new investors and not easy to deny.
Many shops also offer their own individual characteristic and adapted some food to suitable with European style. According to Lee Wang who launches Taiwanese bakery said that he also blended a Chinese-style and a European-style together to against his rivals and attract the customers for example he explained that he uses the Chinese-style sponge cake for making Black forest in European version.
On the other hands, the booming of small shop neighborhood will provide many advantages to customers. Firstly, the variety of small shops will bring the benefit to customers to choice the best for their life. Additionally, competitive in business will be make the shop’s owners have to keep investing and developing in quality of product to against their competitors. Finally, recovery of economic crisis may become from the small community then amplify into to the country.
This change and improvement of Chinatown not only maintains the recent customers, but also attract more and more new customers. I think new young professionals would expand the target customer of Chinatown to be more young people. They will know what the young customers want. Besides quality food or product, the atmosphere is another factor to be concerned. The clean street and neighborhood would help improve an overall image of Chinatown. In the future, the perception of Chinatown is going to be changed; it is not only the market people go to buy stuff, but also another venue that people meet up and hang out.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Weekend business
The weekend business this week, Jeff Sommer with Catherine Rampell and Jack Healy had talked mainly about unemployment rate in the United States at this time. Then, Jeff, Tim O’Brien and Brooks Barnes went over Hollywood hotels; Randall Stross on digital book piracy; Gretchen Morgenson on the true price of bailouts; and Paul Lim on the limits of cost-cutting. But the topics that attract my attention are about the unemployment rate and the digital book piracy.
The employment bureau of the United States announced that the unemployment rate has been increasing to 9.8 and continues to trend up. At this rate, it is doubled from the start of economic recession in 2007. Almost every industry, especially manufacturing, constructing and financial, has been affected from the economic situation. The number of unemployment in both constructing and manufacturing industry has been climbing steadily during this year. On the other hand, there is an increasing demand for labor in service sector and healthcare education, with the largest increase occurring in ambulatory health care services. Catherine said that we might overestimate about the job we had. We are too optimistic about the job loss. The stimulus package launched by government is not sufficient to solve this major issue. Many people might wonder that why government doesn’t solve this problem by providing supported or temporally jobs for those unemployed. This is impossible since in economic recession period, many people lost their job and this makes government generate lower income tax revenue. That’s why the government doesn’t have enough budgets for stimulating the economy by hiring a number of people.
In Thailand, the unemployment rate has been increasing as well. There are an enormous number of people losing their job. Many businesses have to shut down their company and go bankruptcy as a result of economic recession this time. It is hard and harder to find a job at this time. Taking me as an example, I just graduated from the university this year and lots of my friend changes their mind to continue their master instead of finding the job. Since they know that it is wasting time keep finding job at this time because there won’t be any job left for them. Many big companies cut their budget for hiring new employee. Instead, they have increased the quota for internship worker during the busy time in order to reduce their cost. This could be proven that the economic rescission has stimulated the unemployment rate all over the world.
Another topic that grasps my attention is about the digital book piracy. In the business world nowadays, the internet is gaining more and more important role. There is a dramatically increasing number of e-business transactions. Digital book is one thing that becomes popular at this time. In the electronic world, I think it is hard to control over the violation of intellectual property. Many people might feel that it is more convenient for them to get a digital book instead but I’m sure that there is still a large amount of people who fond of reading the physical book. From my point of view, I don’t think the piracy of digital book is going to affect the physical one a lot. However, the author and publisher still need to protect the right of their intellectual property by the way.
The employment bureau of the United States announced that the unemployment rate has been increasing to 9.8 and continues to trend up. At this rate, it is doubled from the start of economic recession in 2007. Almost every industry, especially manufacturing, constructing and financial, has been affected from the economic situation. The number of unemployment in both constructing and manufacturing industry has been climbing steadily during this year. On the other hand, there is an increasing demand for labor in service sector and healthcare education, with the largest increase occurring in ambulatory health care services. Catherine said that we might overestimate about the job we had. We are too optimistic about the job loss. The stimulus package launched by government is not sufficient to solve this major issue. Many people might wonder that why government doesn’t solve this problem by providing supported or temporally jobs for those unemployed. This is impossible since in economic recession period, many people lost their job and this makes government generate lower income tax revenue. That’s why the government doesn’t have enough budgets for stimulating the economy by hiring a number of people.
In Thailand, the unemployment rate has been increasing as well. There are an enormous number of people losing their job. Many businesses have to shut down their company and go bankruptcy as a result of economic recession this time. It is hard and harder to find a job at this time. Taking me as an example, I just graduated from the university this year and lots of my friend changes their mind to continue their master instead of finding the job. Since they know that it is wasting time keep finding job at this time because there won’t be any job left for them. Many big companies cut their budget for hiring new employee. Instead, they have increased the quota for internship worker during the busy time in order to reduce their cost. This could be proven that the economic rescission has stimulated the unemployment rate all over the world.
Another topic that grasps my attention is about the digital book piracy. In the business world nowadays, the internet is gaining more and more important role. There is a dramatically increasing number of e-business transactions. Digital book is one thing that becomes popular at this time. In the electronic world, I think it is hard to control over the violation of intellectual property. Many people might feel that it is more convenient for them to get a digital book instead but I’m sure that there is still a large amount of people who fond of reading the physical book. From my point of view, I don’t think the piracy of digital book is going to affect the physical one a lot. However, the author and publisher still need to protect the right of their intellectual property by the way.
Monday, October 5, 2009
China...the great and powerful country
China just celebrated their nation’s 60th anniversary last week. The celebration is aiming to show its citizens and the world how China is powerful nowadays. There are military parades showing the hi-technology military weapons, tanks and missiles. There are four highlighting floats in this parade. First one is about the Chinese province’s charm. The second float carrying fish and a sheaf of wheat proclaimed China’s ability to feed itself. The third one is holding a huge space capsule, celebrated China’s space program and the last one depicted the bullet trains that are beginning to link a few large cities.
China is the world most populous country and fastest growing country at this time. The economy of China is huge and expanding rapidly. Many economists predict that China is going to be the biggest economy in the world in this century. After economic reform, more independence has been granted to business enterprises. This led to the creation of a number of various types of privately held enterprises within the services sector, as well as the light manufacturing sectors. In addition, Government also opens more to Foreign Direct Investment and these help boosting and expanding its economy. China is seems to be both largest producer and consumer in the world. It is the main trade partners with many countries. That is why its economy has a huge effect on the world economic situation.
Many foreign direct investments have been flowing into China since they could get benefits from government’s policies aiming to attract FDI and also benefit from low-wage rate of labor. China could be considered one of business center in the world making its language and currency become very important. Due to its enormous landscape and great amount of its population, China could produce a variety of product as much as necessary for its domestic consumption and still has ability to producing and serving to other countries. This can reflect that China has an ability to feed itself as it implies from the parade.
Moreover, China just official established its Space program recently showing that China also emphasizes on the technology development as well as space development. It reached another milestone for the country in developing space technology. It could be said that china’s space program is speeding along helping establish country as technological power. This space program would aid the nation economically by helping to create technological breakthroughs that may someday be applied to computers or other digital equipment.
In addition, China keeps improving its infrastructure within its country in order to improve living standard of its citizens as well as attract foreign direct investment. Bullet train linking between many major cities has been constructing and once completed, it is going to be largest, fastest, and most technologically sophisticated in the world.
As u can see, China has been improving it country through many aspects at the same time. That’s why it is not surprising to me that China is going to be the most powerful country in the world competing with the United States.
China is the world most populous country and fastest growing country at this time. The economy of China is huge and expanding rapidly. Many economists predict that China is going to be the biggest economy in the world in this century. After economic reform, more independence has been granted to business enterprises. This led to the creation of a number of various types of privately held enterprises within the services sector, as well as the light manufacturing sectors. In addition, Government also opens more to Foreign Direct Investment and these help boosting and expanding its economy. China is seems to be both largest producer and consumer in the world. It is the main trade partners with many countries. That is why its economy has a huge effect on the world economic situation.
Many foreign direct investments have been flowing into China since they could get benefits from government’s policies aiming to attract FDI and also benefit from low-wage rate of labor. China could be considered one of business center in the world making its language and currency become very important. Due to its enormous landscape and great amount of its population, China could produce a variety of product as much as necessary for its domestic consumption and still has ability to producing and serving to other countries. This can reflect that China has an ability to feed itself as it implies from the parade.
Moreover, China just official established its Space program recently showing that China also emphasizes on the technology development as well as space development. It reached another milestone for the country in developing space technology. It could be said that china’s space program is speeding along helping establish country as technological power. This space program would aid the nation economically by helping to create technological breakthroughs that may someday be applied to computers or other digital equipment.
In addition, China keeps improving its infrastructure within its country in order to improve living standard of its citizens as well as attract foreign direct investment. Bullet train linking between many major cities has been constructing and once completed, it is going to be largest, fastest, and most technologically sophisticated in the world.
As u can see, China has been improving it country through many aspects at the same time. That’s why it is not surprising to me that China is going to be the most powerful country in the world competing with the United States.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Downloading illegal thing people keep doing
When u start asking about what is right and what is wrong, you have to know first what the determination for that answer is. This question is just like a human perception of something. Each person has his own perception so something is right for one person might be wrong for others. The determination is depending on the background of that person; there are many factors that could affect human perception such as Religion, culture or belief.
For religion, every religion ultimately teaches people to be a good people and behave ethically even though they have different language and methods of teaching. Killing people are considered both unethical and very illegal thing. This is a heavy issue for every countries and religions. But it seems to be different for a violation of intellectual property such as downloading MP3 from the internet for free. Although we know that it is illegal and unethical but this looks like a minor illegal thing comparing to other illegal issues. People normally concern about their benefit first when they decide to do anything. The advantages of downloading MP3 from the internet could be out weight a feeling of guilty doing an insignificant illegal and unethical thing like this.
Due to the globalization era, Internet becomes the one of essential thing in human life. People change their behavior by using more Internets during daily life such as check mail, search engine and shopping, etc. As a result, Internet help they safe their time for example, they can buy anything on Internet such as food, clothes or music. This effect will make any company also change their marketing strategy by providing e-shopping to suit with their target market’s behavior. However, Internet also has a drawback into the market. The company must concerns about an illegal download especially mp3 or movie. The most important factor for illegal download from Internet is discharge or free.
Sharing mp3 file become popular among of teenagers. They exchange the songs to their friends via email or Internet because they don’t want to spend their money on this and it is so easy to share a file. Even some company try to set the block system when customer buy a song from them for example, iTunes have a key lock in each songs that they provide, as customers can add to its iPod only 3 times per song. But it seems to be useless to protect or reduce this action. Technology has developed day by day; it will provide the two-way effects compose of advantage and disadvantage.
Some of programs also offer the advance in technology to hack a song from the website such as YouTube. The program will hack a song from website and allow people to translate into many formats such as mp3, avi, mp4. These factors would help encouraging people for downloading MP3 from the internet.
Moreover, there is not a serious legal penalty in many countries so people don’t be afraid doing this illegal action. Hence, I and many people still keep downloading MP3 and other files from the internet.
For religion, every religion ultimately teaches people to be a good people and behave ethically even though they have different language and methods of teaching. Killing people are considered both unethical and very illegal thing. This is a heavy issue for every countries and religions. But it seems to be different for a violation of intellectual property such as downloading MP3 from the internet for free. Although we know that it is illegal and unethical but this looks like a minor illegal thing comparing to other illegal issues. People normally concern about their benefit first when they decide to do anything. The advantages of downloading MP3 from the internet could be out weight a feeling of guilty doing an insignificant illegal and unethical thing like this.
Due to the globalization era, Internet becomes the one of essential thing in human life. People change their behavior by using more Internets during daily life such as check mail, search engine and shopping, etc. As a result, Internet help they safe their time for example, they can buy anything on Internet such as food, clothes or music. This effect will make any company also change their marketing strategy by providing e-shopping to suit with their target market’s behavior. However, Internet also has a drawback into the market. The company must concerns about an illegal download especially mp3 or movie. The most important factor for illegal download from Internet is discharge or free.
Sharing mp3 file become popular among of teenagers. They exchange the songs to their friends via email or Internet because they don’t want to spend their money on this and it is so easy to share a file. Even some company try to set the block system when customer buy a song from them for example, iTunes have a key lock in each songs that they provide, as customers can add to its iPod only 3 times per song. But it seems to be useless to protect or reduce this action. Technology has developed day by day; it will provide the two-way effects compose of advantage and disadvantage.
Some of programs also offer the advance in technology to hack a song from the website such as YouTube. The program will hack a song from website and allow people to translate into many formats such as mp3, avi, mp4. These factors would help encouraging people for downloading MP3 from the internet.
Moreover, there is not a serious legal penalty in many countries so people don’t be afraid doing this illegal action. Hence, I and many people still keep downloading MP3 and other files from the internet.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Boycott against Hyatt
The interesting news this week is about the boycott and protest against Hyatt. This is because 98 housekeepers were fired, replacing by the lower-wage employees from Hospitality Staffing Solutions. This makes fired housekeepers angry and called for a boycott against Hyatt since they felt like that were treated unfairly. Deval Patrick, the governor, strongly supports the protest and wrote to the company to convince them to reverse its decision. Patrick’s action seems to be unusual so some people are wondering whether he try to boost his support for reelection.
In the period of global recession, every organization, especially private company, has to make many decisions aiming to minimize their cost and to be survive in the business world. Laying-off is one of those decisions for any company to reduce their cost. During an economic crisis, an unemployment rate is predicted to rise dramatically since lots of companies have an effect from it. It is hard to retain all employees while the company is generating less and less revenues and profit. It’s not surprising that Hyatt made that decision. They might have only this solution and I’m sure they already carefully considered about it.
It might seem to be unethical to lay-off many employees like this. I’m not sure whether the company had ever informed their employees about the company’s situation. If there is a good communication, employees should know any movement relating the decision on Laying-off some employees. They would still be angry but at least they have time to prepare themselves for an uncertainty of their job and they would have time to look for a new job.
In my opinion, the company decision and strategy sometimes depends on the relationship between employers and employees. It also depends on the culture of that country and organization. My family also has our own business which employ around 300-400 workers. During an economic crisis in 1997, the company also has a bid impact. We could lay off our workers to help reducing our costs but we did not do. My father always says that we consider and treat every employee as our family members, so no matter what happen, laying-off won’t be the decision we made. All employees are assured about their job security so this makes them very loyal to the company as well as work efficiently. All workers in the company have a good collaboration and try their best in helping the company cut all costs. This helps our company survival from the disaster of economic crisis that time. Nowadays, our company still holds the same belief and we always concern about the relationship among our employees.
From this article, an economic crisis has a big impact on many parties related. Not only the private sector that has to concern about this, but also the government themselves are responsible for finding solution and policies to support an increasing number of unemployed.
In the period of global recession, every organization, especially private company, has to make many decisions aiming to minimize their cost and to be survive in the business world. Laying-off is one of those decisions for any company to reduce their cost. During an economic crisis, an unemployment rate is predicted to rise dramatically since lots of companies have an effect from it. It is hard to retain all employees while the company is generating less and less revenues and profit. It’s not surprising that Hyatt made that decision. They might have only this solution and I’m sure they already carefully considered about it.
It might seem to be unethical to lay-off many employees like this. I’m not sure whether the company had ever informed their employees about the company’s situation. If there is a good communication, employees should know any movement relating the decision on Laying-off some employees. They would still be angry but at least they have time to prepare themselves for an uncertainty of their job and they would have time to look for a new job.
In my opinion, the company decision and strategy sometimes depends on the relationship between employers and employees. It also depends on the culture of that country and organization. My family also has our own business which employ around 300-400 workers. During an economic crisis in 1997, the company also has a bid impact. We could lay off our workers to help reducing our costs but we did not do. My father always says that we consider and treat every employee as our family members, so no matter what happen, laying-off won’t be the decision we made. All employees are assured about their job security so this makes them very loyal to the company as well as work efficiently. All workers in the company have a good collaboration and try their best in helping the company cut all costs. This helps our company survival from the disaster of economic crisis that time. Nowadays, our company still holds the same belief and we always concern about the relationship among our employees.
From this article, an economic crisis has a big impact on many parties related. Not only the private sector that has to concern about this, but also the government themselves are responsible for finding solution and policies to support an increasing number of unemployed.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Complaining Letter
56 Parkvale Avenue, Apt.15
Allston, MA 02134
September 27, 2009
1 IKEA WayStoughton, MA 02072
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to bring your attention to a situation I encountered with one of your products. I am a longtime user of many kinds of your product including furniture. I am usually very happy with the quality and often recommend them to others. On September 3, 2009 I purchased a LACK coffee table from IKEA in Stoughton, MA.
I was very surprised to find that there is something wrong with the furniture’s components that we have to assembly ourselves. All the legs of the table are supposed to have a hole which we could put the small piece of metal inside but there is not. Without those holes, we could not assembly the shelf under the coffee table.
I called to the customer service and informed them about the problem occurred. The staff asked for some information and told me that they would send the new set of legs to me within 5-7 business days. Two days later, there is a call from the IKEA informing me that legs shouldn’t have any hole and I have to drill it myself. This is unreasonable since I bought two coffee tables and another one has those holes on a table legs. The staff was unresponsive to my circumstances. I believe I was treated unfairly in this situation.
I know that IKEA usually makes quality products as well as satisfied customer services and I hope IKEA will maintain the quality of this one. I would like to request for a replacement set of coffee table’s leg. I feel this is a reasonable request since the product was not in a proper condition.
I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your response.
Sincerely Yours,
Dusida Chongvisal
Allston, MA 02134
September 27, 2009
1 IKEA WayStoughton, MA 02072
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to bring your attention to a situation I encountered with one of your products. I am a longtime user of many kinds of your product including furniture. I am usually very happy with the quality and often recommend them to others. On September 3, 2009 I purchased a LACK coffee table from IKEA in Stoughton, MA.
I was very surprised to find that there is something wrong with the furniture’s components that we have to assembly ourselves. All the legs of the table are supposed to have a hole which we could put the small piece of metal inside but there is not. Without those holes, we could not assembly the shelf under the coffee table.
I called to the customer service and informed them about the problem occurred. The staff asked for some information and told me that they would send the new set of legs to me within 5-7 business days. Two days later, there is a call from the IKEA informing me that legs shouldn’t have any hole and I have to drill it myself. This is unreasonable since I bought two coffee tables and another one has those holes on a table legs. The staff was unresponsive to my circumstances. I believe I was treated unfairly in this situation.
I know that IKEA usually makes quality products as well as satisfied customer services and I hope IKEA will maintain the quality of this one. I would like to request for a replacement set of coffee table’s leg. I feel this is a reasonable request since the product was not in a proper condition.
I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your response.
Sincerely Yours,
Dusida Chongvisal
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Weekend business
Weekend business this week is covered many topics including irrational exuberance, continuing about Saturn,’s expansion and the rising shareholder dissent.
Starting with Jack Healy and Floyd Norris, they are discussing on current market situation and global economic recession issue. Compared to recession happened before, this time seems to be much worse because it leads to many problems. In the future, the federal reserve should unwind the program and clean up the balance sheet in order to help rebounding the recession. However, the production and industrial output are predicted to be better. The US currency is still weak while the value of gold has been so strong. People invest more in trading gold and this makes the price of gold would be fluctuated.
Moving on to the second topic discussing with Gretchen Morgenson on rising shareholder dissent, the summary is the shareholder protest due to the disaster financial situation and SEC would like to change their voting regulation. This will allow the shareholder voice to be heard and have an effect. Important issues are compensation, opposite and related party transaction.
The next topic is about Saturn Car Company, discussed with Tim O’Brien and William Vlasic. It’s about GM’s taking over the Saturn Car Company and reorganization. The reason why GM collapsed is because they held too many brands, too many models and the difference of operation and ideas. Moreover, there is an internal conflict over the cash and resources. Saturn is unique because of its marketing campaign, its relationship with its customers and buyers and special treatment. But nowadays, it has to compete hardly since its competitors have a same strategy. Penske choose to acquire this brand because of its challenging.
The last topic is the amazon, the world largest and successful online bookstore. Now they expand more their business lines further than books. They have been growing and use their push strategy in order to satisfy and encourage their customers to buy more by offering free shipping and Amazon prime. That’s why there are an increasing number of online customers. Their competitors have to be working hard on finding solution that could compete with Amazon.
Starting with Jack Healy and Floyd Norris, they are discussing on current market situation and global economic recession issue. Compared to recession happened before, this time seems to be much worse because it leads to many problems. In the future, the federal reserve should unwind the program and clean up the balance sheet in order to help rebounding the recession. However, the production and industrial output are predicted to be better. The US currency is still weak while the value of gold has been so strong. People invest more in trading gold and this makes the price of gold would be fluctuated.
Moving on to the second topic discussing with Gretchen Morgenson on rising shareholder dissent, the summary is the shareholder protest due to the disaster financial situation and SEC would like to change their voting regulation. This will allow the shareholder voice to be heard and have an effect. Important issues are compensation, opposite and related party transaction.
The next topic is about Saturn Car Company, discussed with Tim O’Brien and William Vlasic. It’s about GM’s taking over the Saturn Car Company and reorganization. The reason why GM collapsed is because they held too many brands, too many models and the difference of operation and ideas. Moreover, there is an internal conflict over the cash and resources. Saturn is unique because of its marketing campaign, its relationship with its customers and buyers and special treatment. But nowadays, it has to compete hardly since its competitors have a same strategy. Penske choose to acquire this brand because of its challenging.
The last topic is the amazon, the world largest and successful online bookstore. Now they expand more their business lines further than books. They have been growing and use their push strategy in order to satisfy and encourage their customers to buy more by offering free shipping and Amazon prime. That’s why there are an increasing number of online customers. Their competitors have to be working hard on finding solution that could compete with Amazon.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Climate change summit
Many studies and researchers found that since the Industrial Revolution (around 1750), human activities have substantially added to the amount of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels and biomass (living matter such as vegetation) has also resulted in emissions of aerosols that absorb and emit heat, and reflect light. The addition of greenhouse gases and aerosols has changed the composition of the atmosphere. The changes in the atmosphere have likely influenced temperature, precipitation, storms and sea level (IPCC, 2007).
Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere will continuously increase unless greenhouse gas emissions decrease substantially from present levels. Increased greenhouse gas concentrations are very likely to raise the Earth's average temperature, influence precipitation and some storm patterns as well as raise sea levels. The amount and speed of future climate change will ultimately depend on the level of greenhouse gases and aerosol concentrations, responsiveness of feathers of the climate to the changes and the variation of climate resulting from the natural influences.
As a result, the greenhouse emission, leading to a climate change, becomes more important issue in many countries. This is why many countries under U.N. are gathered in U.N. summit in Copenhagen in December, billing as the place 192 countries would complete a new emission pact. But it seems to be that this might be postponed to 2010 because of the health care reform.
Some key leaders in this issues thought that completing a new treaty within three months is too difficult and impossible. So they think it would be better if we find “plan B” to be like a backup plan. However, some officer said that this summit would be the last chance to battle against the greenhouse gas emission. Moreover, the delay could lead to a major problem as it already happened with 1997 Kyoto Protocol talks. At that time, US helped write a treaty which the senate refused to approve. This makes US lost in confidence and reliability among other nations and they are not trusted in any US proposals without legislation to back up their promises. Another key concern for this summit is the financial matter. They still discuss on the financing issues like how much developed countries need to give to support those developing countries and what actions every countries need to do.
This should be carefully considered since this issue is going to have an impact on every people’s life. In my opinion, US still need to be prepared for this summit. They should well-balanced any resources between the health care reform and other subjects since they might be as important as its health reform.
Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere will continuously increase unless greenhouse gas emissions decrease substantially from present levels. Increased greenhouse gas concentrations are very likely to raise the Earth's average temperature, influence precipitation and some storm patterns as well as raise sea levels. The amount and speed of future climate change will ultimately depend on the level of greenhouse gases and aerosol concentrations, responsiveness of feathers of the climate to the changes and the variation of climate resulting from the natural influences.
As a result, the greenhouse emission, leading to a climate change, becomes more important issue in many countries. This is why many countries under U.N. are gathered in U.N. summit in Copenhagen in December, billing as the place 192 countries would complete a new emission pact. But it seems to be that this might be postponed to 2010 because of the health care reform.
Some key leaders in this issues thought that completing a new treaty within three months is too difficult and impossible. So they think it would be better if we find “plan B” to be like a backup plan. However, some officer said that this summit would be the last chance to battle against the greenhouse gas emission. Moreover, the delay could lead to a major problem as it already happened with 1997 Kyoto Protocol talks. At that time, US helped write a treaty which the senate refused to approve. This makes US lost in confidence and reliability among other nations and they are not trusted in any US proposals without legislation to back up their promises. Another key concern for this summit is the financial matter. They still discuss on the financing issues like how much developed countries need to give to support those developing countries and what actions every countries need to do.
This should be carefully considered since this issue is going to have an impact on every people’s life. In my opinion, US still need to be prepared for this summit. They should well-balanced any resources between the health care reform and other subjects since they might be as important as its health reform.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
PET...unconditional love
Have you ever thought about having your own pet? If your answer is NO, you might change your mind after reading my postJ.
How can I realize an important of having pet? This is because I have my own dog and what I’m going to tell you is all from my own experiences. Pet which I mean can be referred to any kind of animal such as dog, cat, rabbit or whatever. My pet is a white Labrador retriever dog. His name is JUMMUM which is Thai word meaning chubby. He is now almost 11 years old. That’s quite old, right? He’s quite a funny dog and always makes me smile. I have learnt many things from him.
First, he teaches me what responsibility is. When you have your own pet, it makes you more responsible for something other than yourself. You have to take care of them unless your pet would die. Second, you won’t be lonely when you have your own pet. They seem to be a part of your family; they always show how pleased when they see you. They always listen to you whenever you need someone to talk to and they never complain to whatever you do. Moreover, having pet helps reducing your stress! Playing with them, taking them for jogging or just watching them making funny thing can release your stress. My dog always makes a curious face when he sees or hears something he never heard before. He always wants to know what’s going and want to be a part of every activity my family do. I can smile every time I think of him.
Pets don’t want anything from their owner just feeding and taking care of them; in return, they give you an unconditional love. For me, animals can feel anything as we do. They can feel you love them and you also can feel how much they love you.
Unconditional love, interested? Now you can change your mind if you would like to. This is just my own opinion that I would like to share with others. Hope you enjoy reading it!!
How can I realize an important of having pet? This is because I have my own dog and what I’m going to tell you is all from my own experiences. Pet which I mean can be referred to any kind of animal such as dog, cat, rabbit or whatever. My pet is a white Labrador retriever dog. His name is JUMMUM which is Thai word meaning chubby. He is now almost 11 years old. That’s quite old, right? He’s quite a funny dog and always makes me smile. I have learnt many things from him.
First, he teaches me what responsibility is. When you have your own pet, it makes you more responsible for something other than yourself. You have to take care of them unless your pet would die. Second, you won’t be lonely when you have your own pet. They seem to be a part of your family; they always show how pleased when they see you. They always listen to you whenever you need someone to talk to and they never complain to whatever you do. Moreover, having pet helps reducing your stress! Playing with them, taking them for jogging or just watching them making funny thing can release your stress. My dog always makes a curious face when he sees or hears something he never heard before. He always wants to know what’s going and want to be a part of every activity my family do. I can smile every time I think of him.
Pets don’t want anything from their owner just feeding and taking care of them; in return, they give you an unconditional love. For me, animals can feel anything as we do. They can feel you love them and you also can feel how much they love you.
Unconditional love, interested? Now you can change your mind if you would like to. This is just my own opinion that I would like to share with others. Hope you enjoy reading it!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Comment on Obama's health care reform
According to President Obama’s speech about Health care policies on Wednesday’s night, there seems to be both the supporters and rejecters to his health care reform. But for me, I think this reform really works and it is going to be a big change for all American people. This reform covers many main points that mainly benefit and support to small businesses as well as individuals.
First, the president told that this policy is not going to subsidize any illegal immigrants. Second, Obama assured that this health care plan would not affect the federal deficit. Moreover, the plan will help an individual who can’t afford any health insurance by offering the low-cost insurance program for them. For those who already have their own health insurance, there would be no change in their program but in long-run, this plan will also hopefully to improve most of medical services. For any company, it is required to offer their workers health care, but with this plan, they would be exempt due to the size of their business and the small number of profit margin. What’s more, this plan was assured to all senior citizens that it is not going to use the funds of Medicare. The last one is Obama stated that there won’t be any subsidies to this public option. On the other hand, this public option would be self-sufficient organization.
For me, I do support the president Obama’s health care reform since it seems to benefit everybody equally. This public option is going to protect people from the monopoly power of big insurance company. This plan don’t force anyone to choose, but just increase choice from for them to consider that best one that suit with them. I think this health plan will help improving the living standard of entire country. Moreover, if people have insurance that could cover all medical expenses, there will be more money left in their pocket for purchasing other things. Hence, this could indirectly help stimulating the economy.
First, the president told that this policy is not going to subsidize any illegal immigrants. Second, Obama assured that this health care plan would not affect the federal deficit. Moreover, the plan will help an individual who can’t afford any health insurance by offering the low-cost insurance program for them. For those who already have their own health insurance, there would be no change in their program but in long-run, this plan will also hopefully to improve most of medical services. For any company, it is required to offer their workers health care, but with this plan, they would be exempt due to the size of their business and the small number of profit margin. What’s more, this plan was assured to all senior citizens that it is not going to use the funds of Medicare. The last one is Obama stated that there won’t be any subsidies to this public option. On the other hand, this public option would be self-sufficient organization.
For me, I do support the president Obama’s health care reform since it seems to benefit everybody equally. This public option is going to protect people from the monopoly power of big insurance company. This plan don’t force anyone to choose, but just increase choice from for them to consider that best one that suit with them. I think this health plan will help improving the living standard of entire country. Moreover, if people have insurance that could cover all medical expenses, there will be more money left in their pocket for purchasing other things. Hence, this could indirectly help stimulating the economy.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hello everyone!!
Welcome to my blog! This is the first time for me to write anything on the web and share with others. My first post is gonna be the introduction of myself so you can know more about me.
My name is Dusida Chongvisal but I know that my name might be difficult to pronounce so you can call me BO for short. I comes from Thailand. I'm 22 years old and I'm the youngest child in my family. I have one sister and one brother.
I just graduated and got my bachelor degree in Business and Accoutancy from Chulalongkorn university in my home country. Now I'm studying at MET school, majoring in Multinational commerce. The reason why I chose this major is because my family has our own business. It is the shipyard company; we both build and repair many kinds of boat. Now we are starting to go more globally. We do some exporting our product and services now, so knowledge and many experiences from the courses would be very useful to me to help expanding my family business in the future.
Besides my acedemic side, when I have free time, I usually go shopping, hanging around with my friends, going out to find some good restaurant to eat. Moreover, I love DOG!! ; I have one at my home in Thailand. He's a white Labrador Retriever named Jummum. I will tell you more about him next time.
Now, I think you would know more about me. I'm welcome for any comment if you would like to.
Thank you for your visit.
Welcome to my blog! This is the first time for me to write anything on the web and share with others. My first post is gonna be the introduction of myself so you can know more about me.
My name is Dusida Chongvisal but I know that my name might be difficult to pronounce so you can call me BO for short. I comes from Thailand. I'm 22 years old and I'm the youngest child in my family. I have one sister and one brother.
I just graduated and got my bachelor degree in Business and Accoutancy from Chulalongkorn university in my home country. Now I'm studying at MET school, majoring in Multinational commerce. The reason why I chose this major is because my family has our own business. It is the shipyard company; we both build and repair many kinds of boat. Now we are starting to go more globally. We do some exporting our product and services now, so knowledge and many experiences from the courses would be very useful to me to help expanding my family business in the future.
Besides my acedemic side, when I have free time, I usually go shopping, hanging around with my friends, going out to find some good restaurant to eat. Moreover, I love DOG!! ; I have one at my home in Thailand. He's a white Labrador Retriever named Jummum. I will tell you more about him next time.
Now, I think you would know more about me. I'm welcome for any comment if you would like to.
Thank you for your visit.
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