There might be many advantages from doing business with sibling, relatives or friends, but there might be some drawbacks either. A Lewis brother is the good example for this case.
Both of them are successful businessmen who run travelling business. Alan Lewis is a chief executive of Grand Circle Travel and his younger brother, Hank Lewis, owns Vantage Travel in Boston. They run same kind of business targeting at older travelers. Their business and relationship between them are seems to be good before some conflicts between them occurred. Alan borrowed money from his brother, hank, for $ 10 million to liquidate their business. Unfortunately, he was unable to pay his brother back. This is due to an economic recession or whatever reason but it led to a big problem. Each filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit.
As you can see from this case that even people have such a closer relationship such sibling or relatives, their relationship could be destroyed by the money. This kind of story occurs everywhere in the world regardless nationality or culture. There is no brother or sister in the world of business; people are still greedy and want to success in their business. They might overlook the important of relationship in real life. Everyone just focuses on the way to success in their business; they want to make as much as money they can. On money that people care.
From Lewis case, actually $10 million dollar is not a big amount of money for them compared to the value of their business. I don’t know what they are thinking.
This case also happens in Thailand. Family members sue each other for personal’s benefit, especially for money. Some case is many severe, family members killed each other for the heritage. This kind of thing was not supposed to happen. I know that money is one of the main factors we need for surviving but I don’t think people are going to rely on it too much like this. Money could seriously change everything for some people even their mind and personality trait. Some good person can turn to be bad because of money factor. Greedy can encourage you to do anything, especially illegal thing. Selling drugs is such a terrible thing to do, but many people choose to do this because they can make a lot of money and they can make it easily. It might be a good shortcut for being rich for them.
Money is so influent we could hardly imagine. We should weight for everything we do to see which one is more important to our life. Don’t let the money change everything in your life.